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Art Fairs 20_02_Art Fair 14c

Art Fair 14C 2020

February 21 - February 23

Jersey City, NJ

View of the gallery’s general booth.Shown: Alpha Romeo, by Phyllis Krim, 1979, Serigraph, 22 x 22 inches.

The Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth at Art Fair 14C, featuring Phyllis Krim’s automobile series print

Works of Robert Pasternak, Phyllis Krim, Jessica Dunegan, and Ethel Gittlin displayed on the hotel bed.Shown at top from left to right:The Moth Collection, by Robert Pasternak, 2018, Oil on Gessoboard, 12 x 12 inches.Three Butterflies, by Robert Pas…

Works of Robert Pasternak, Phyllis Krim, Jessica Dunegan, and Ethel Gittlin on display

Visitors can be seen discussing the artworks displayed on the bed.

Visitors look at the works of Phyllis Krim, Jessica Dunegan, and Ethel Gittlin

Ralph Wickiser’s painting displayed along with gallery catalogs.Shown:Straylight, by Ralph Wickiser, 1983,Oil on linen,47 × 70 inches.

Ralph Wickiser’s painting Straylight on display along with gallery catalogs

Works by Meighen Jackson, Bill Jackson, and Florence Putterman on display near the window.

Works of Meighen Jackson, Bill Jackson, and Florence Putterman on display near the window

Visitors can be seen looking at the artworks displayed on the bed.

Visitors look at the artworks displayed on the bed

A crowd of visitors gather inside the booth to look at artworks.

Visitors to the Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth at Art Fair 14C

Works by Phyllis Krim and Soile Yli-Mayry displayed outside the booth entrance.Shown left: Alpha Romeo, by Phyllis Krim, 1979, Serigraph, 22 x 22 inches.Shown right:Dream Bridge, by Soile Yli-Mayry, 2015,Oil on canvas,25.6 × 21.3 inches.

Works of Phyllis Krim and Soile Yli-Mayry on display near the booth entrance

Paintings by Dennis Kleidon on display outside the booth entrance.Shown top:Force 5 Series 1.1, by Dennis Kleidon, 2013, Acrylic and Graphite on Strathmore Paper, 20 x 20 inches.Shown bottom left:Making Waves Series 1.7, by Dennis Kleidon, 2013, Acr…

Dennis Kleidon’s Making Waves Vertical Series paintings on display

Artworks by Soile Yli-Mayry, Meighen Jackson and Kiyoka Yamagata displayed on the hotel walls.Shown top left:Your Number, by Soile Yli-Mayry, 2019,Oil on Canvas, 16 × 8 inches.Shown top right:Blooming Cement, Soile Yli-Mayry, 2014,Oil on canvas, 22 …

Works of Soile Yli-Mayry, Meighen Jackson, and Florence Putterman displayed on the walls