Past13-02-Sean Cavanaugh
Sean Cavanaugh, Federal Tigers, 2012, Watercolor and gouache, 27" x 19 1/2"
Sean Cavanaugh, S.F Exotic, 2012, Watercolor and gouache, 22 1/2" x 23"
Sean Cavanaugh, Central Coast Color, 2012, Watercolor and gouache, 25 1/2" x 25 1/4"
Sean Cavanaugh, Feral Vintage, 2011, Oil on canvas, 54" x 72"
Sean Cavanaugh, Standing Wave, 2012, Watercolor and gouache, 10" x 13"
Sean Cavanaugh, Lawn Dragon, 2012, Watercolor and gouache, 31 3/4" x 29"
Sean Cavanaugh, Kitchen Ghost, 2012, Watercolor,gouache and pencil, 23" x 44"
Sean Cavanaugh, Small and Scary, 2013, Watercolor, gouache, and pencil, 36" x 40"