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Past17-03-Soile Yli-Mäyry


Abstract nordic female portraitures of two people with palette-like face, hair and body on the right, black lined upper body of two people upside down on the left and curved other lines and patterns throughout

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Life in Glass Cabinet, 2015, Oil on canvas, 43" x 51"

Three female abstract nordic portraits with palette-like face, hair, body and expressionist facial tones, eyes, mouth on bright turquoise background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Life in Glass Cabinet, 2006, Oil on canvas, 43" x 55"

Abstract nordic female portrait with palette-like face, hair and body on the right, blue and turquoise gradation from left to right on the background with bold curved brushstrokes

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Asphalt Light, 2016, Oil on canvas, 21" x 26"

Abstract nordic female portrait with palette-like face, hair and body on the center with organic patterns on the right with white thin scratchlike brushstrokes throughout on bright blue background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Burn Horizon, Oil on canvas, 15" x 18"

Abstract nordic female portrait with palette-like face, hair, body and expressionist facial tones, eyes, mouth with yellow and green brushstrokes around her on bright yellow background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Asphalt Light, 2015, Oil on canvas, 8" x 6"

Abstract nordic portrait with yellow face, expressionist eyes, nose, mouth and body on brown brushstrokes with horizontal background dominated with ash gray, purple, red and bright brown from top to bottom and vertical ash blue lines on each side

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Digital Stove, 1991, Oil on canvas, 11" x 9"

Abstract nordic female portrait with palette-like face, hair and body on the left with black thin brushstrokes and patterns on the right and brown and red gradation from left to right on the background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Burning Hand, 2016, Oil on canvas, 39" x 51"

Vertical abstract nordic female portrait with palette-like face, hair, body and expressionist facial tones, eyes, mouth with white thin scratchlike brushstrokes around her on bright blue background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Dream Bridge, 2015, Oil on canvas, 26" x 21"

Three female abstract nordic portraits with palette-like face, hair, body and expressionist facial tones, eyes, mouth on coral background. One is on the left and another two are on the right

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Asphalt Dream, 2016, Oil on canvas, 39" x 51"

Four female abstract nordic portraits with palette-like face, hair, long body and expressionist facial tones and eyes on turquoise blue background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Behind the Horizon, 2016, Oil on canvas, 43"x 51"

Three female abstract nordic portraits using thin black lines and expressionist eyes and mouth on bright yellow background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Asphalt Light, 2014, Oil on canvas, 22" x 47"

Three female abstract nordic portraits with palette-like face, hair and body with expressionist facial tones, eyes and mouth. Blue and green gradation from left to right on the background with white scrachlike brushstrokes throughout.

Soile Yli-Mäyry,  Asphalt Light, 2016, Oil on canvas, 16" x 43"

Abstract nordic female portraits and bird between the women with palette-like face, hair and body with expressionist facial tones, eyes and mouth on pastel tone background.

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Dream Bridge, 2016, Oil on canvas, 24" x 55"

Vertical abstract nordic portraits of two female with palette-like face, hair and body with expressionist facial tones, eyes and mouth on the left with pastel tone lines and patterns on the right on ivory background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Palette Dance, 2016, Oil on canvas, 19" x 19"

Abstract nordic portrait of a female with palette-like face, hair, body and expressionist facial tones, eyes, mouth on the right upper part with round curved thick brushstrokes’ background dominated with orange, green, white, yelow and red

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Asphalt Pearl, 2015, Oil on canvas, 55" x 43"

Vertical abstract nordic portrait of a female with palette-like brown face, yellow and green body and expressionist eyes and mouth with light purple and turquoise brushstrokes on the edge on ivory background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Prints in the Sand, 2015, Oil on canvas, 15" x 8"

Vertical abstract nordic portrait of a female that remarkable big palette-like face and expressionist facial tones, eyes, mouth on the center with her expressionist body that shaped like capital letter A on blue background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Asphalt Dream, 2015, Oil on canvas, 15" x 8"

Vertical abstract nordic portrait of a female with palette-like face, hair, body and expressionist facial tones and eyes with green, orange and yellow semi-bold lines and white thin scratchlike brushstrokes around her on red background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Behind the Horizon, 2010, Oil on canvas, 15" x 8"

Vertical abstract nordic portrait with palette-like face, hair, body and expressionist facial tones , eyes and mouth on a blue tilted rectangular frame with scratchlike blue brushstrokes around it on purple and pink blended background

Soile Yli-Mäyry, Steps In the Sand, 2015, Oil on canvas, 15" x 8"